Struct LinkedList.LinkedListHead

The List Header - simply two merged list nodes. * * The ListHead is the Head and Tail node in a single structure. * * /->Next # lh_Head : HEAD * | Prev Next (=PrevNext)= null # lh_Tail : HEAD TAIL * \------->Prev # lh_TailPred: TAIL * * Note: * - head and tail pointing to each other, but the head has no predessor * and the tail node has no successor. * - The lh_Tail is always 'null'. It aliases the ln_Pred of head and the * ln_Succ of the tail node.

struct LinkedListHead ;


addNode (node, listNode) addNode -- insert a node into a list
addNodeHead (node) addNodeHead -- insert node at the head of a list
addNodeTail (node) addNodeTail -- insert node at the head of a list
getHeadNode () Get the 'head node'
getHeadSucc () Get the successor of the 'head node'
getTailNode () Get the 'tail node'
getTailPred () Get the 'tail node'
initListHead () initListHead -- Inititalize a ListHead
isListEmpty () Is this list empty?
opApply (dg) opApply for foreach
remNode (node) remNode -- remove a node from a list
remNodeHead () remNodeHead -- remove node at the head of a list
remNodeTail () remNodeTail -- remove node at the tail of a list